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The Values Barometer @ Quilantro

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The Values Barometer @ Quilantro

In many companies rules are dominant. Following the rules is the credo. As a result, companies have huge, complex policy manuals. However, rules don't say anything about core values. They are often absent. Instead of tightening the rules, the best approach is to be extremely clear about what the company's values are and how to translate these into actual behaviour. 'Integrity has no need of rules', as said Albert Camus.

What is Quilantro's mission?

mission statement

Quilantro serves its clients, suppliers and collaborators proactively, with high standards, continuous follow-up, integrity and transparency. Trust is what Quilantro stands for. Especially in the world of real estate where money is the only driving force for many.

Some values

1. Integrity
2. Care
3. Talking straight

  • Right-wrong

    Integrity means honesty - telling the truth and leaving the right impression. A person has integrity when there is no gap between intent and behaviour. This kind of authenticity is called congruence. People who are congruent, act in harmony with their deepest values and beliefs. They walk their talk.

  • Care

    It is all about caring about people, customers, suppliers and being concerned about their well-being. Actively seeking solutions that provide a 'win' for everyone involved. By the things we are doing, we have people's best interests in mind. And we believe that there are more than enough resources and opportunities of everything.

  • Talk straight

    Tell the truth and leave the right impression. This means also don't: withold information, manipulate thoughts, feelings or actions of others, leaving a false impression, while talking the truth 'technically'. And when caught up in a downyard cycle, having the courage to stop and talk straight again. However, it is important to not forget to use tact while talking straight. Come to the point quickly. Avoid long prologues. Less is more. And calling things what they are.

4. Demonstrating respect
5. Transparency
6. Correcting mistakes

  • Respect

    Treat others as you would be treated yourself. Avoid showing disrespect.

  • create transparency

    Doing business in an open way without hidden agenda.

  • correct mistakes

    It means if making a mistake, it should be corrected. Besides, apologising, it's about going an extra mile if the situation asks for it. This is the opposite of covering and trying to hide a mistake. When mistakes happen, it is important to acknowledge them and apologise, in order to move on.

7. Showing loyalty
8. Delivering results
9. Getting better

  • loyalty

    It is important to give credit to others, to acknowledge them for their part in bringing about results. Establishing trust by giving credit where credit is due. In order to avoid damage of trust. Not only give credit to people for what they do, but also acknowledge people for who they are. Speak about others as if they were present. If not, this will create disloyalty.

  • deliver results

    While establising a relationship with a new client, what is the one thing everyone can do to build trust the fastest? Deliver results. Adding value, contribute, perform. So, except on the activities itself, the focus is also on delivering results. And on avoiding unfinished projects.

  • Getting better

    Getting better is based on the principle of continuous improvement Kaizen is what the Japanese call it. It builds enormous trust. Two strategies: 1. Seek feedback and 2. learn from mistakes.

10. Confronting reality
11. Clarifying expectations
12. Practicing accountability

  • Confront reality

    This opens interaction and fast achievement. It is better to confront issues before they turn into (major) problems. Not being afraid to deliver bad news.

  • Clarify expectations

    As much as possible creating a shared vision and agreement about what is to be done upfront. And not leaving expectations undefined. Because when we assume they are already known or we fail to disclose them there will be no shared vision of the desired outcomes. This causes people to guess, wonder or assume what expectations might be. Then, when results are delivered but not valued, everyone is disappointed.

  • accountability

    A. Requirement: holding yourself accountable. B. Holding others accountable. Taking responsibility for results, good or bad. Being clear on how to communicate, how the other is doing. Important not to avoid or neglect responsibility. Not blaming others or point finters when things go wrong.

13. Listening first
14. Keeping commitments
15. Responding quickly

  • Listening first

    Avoiding to speak first and listen last. Avoiding pretend listening. This means spending listening time thinking about a reply and just waiting for until the speaking moment is there. Or listening without understanding. Because when listening first, one can make better decisions and give people psychological air.

  • keeping commitments

    It is important that saying something, means doing it. So we think it is better only giving our word, if we intend to keep it. And communicate when we can't. Consistently making and keeping commitments to ourselves and others. What we say and do is what we really think and feel. Constantly walk our talk.

  • respond quickly

    Responding quickly to our client's requests, emails and questions. Usually within one working day.

Nobody is perfect, but at least, this is what we strive to stand for.

Source: Stephen M.R. Covey - The speed of trust


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© Quilantro, Lilian Hermans

Mission and values




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If you need a mortgage, this company can help you finding an interesting mortgage, as they have close contacts with several banks

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Calle Hermosilla 48 1º dcha
28001 Madrid

+34 910 483 215
Mon - Fri: 9 am - 6 pm

CIF B-85634954

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Real Estate Madrid
+ 34 910 483 215